Multi Stone Wrap Bracelet


This design combines beads made by cutting natural stones and warm Karen silver. The dull shine of the Karen silver beautifully complements the rich colors of the natural stones. It is slender and simple, yet has an outstanding presence. It is perfect for layering with silver accessories. 13 types of natural stones with a unique presence are processed and used as beads. Each natural stone has a different expression, even if they are of the same type. In addition to their beauty, natural stones are also said to have mystical power to bring about various kinds of luck. Karen silver beads with the Padua pattern engraved on each of the attractive shiny Karen silver beads. The beads are matte, but have a unique luster that shines in an attractive way depending on how the light hits them.
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This design combines beads made by cutting natural stones and warm Karen silver. The dull shine of the Karen silver beautifully complements the rich colors of the natural stones. It is slender and simple, yet has an outstanding presence. It is perfect for layering with silver accessories. 13 types of natural stones with a unique presence are processed and used as beads. Each natural stone has a different expression, even if they are of the same type. In addition to their beauty, natural stones are also said to have mystical power to bring about various kinds of luck. Karen silver beads with the Padua pattern engraved on each of the attractive shiny Karen silver beads. The beads are matte, but have a unique luster that shines in an attractive way depending on how the light hits them.