Eco Hybrid Oversized Long Sleeve T-Shirt

NT$ 1,886

■A piece you'll want to choose every day!
Introducing NANGA's simple yet functional long sleeve T-shirt. The fabric is made of recycled cotton with a smooth and comfortable feel. The material is wrinkle-resistant and durable, making it perfect for daily use.

The drawcord at the hem adds to the silhouette and allows for a wide range of styling options.
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■A piece you'll want to choose every day!
Introducing NANGA's simple yet functional long sleeve T-shirt. The fabric is made of recycled cotton with a smooth and comfortable feel. The material is wrinkle-resistant and durable, making it perfect for daily use.

The drawcord at the hem adds to the silhouette and allows for a wide range of styling options.
Fit Regular Fit