F3500 Indigo Holiday shirt

NT$ 5,061

■A "Japanese" shirt that fits in well with the Japanese summer
FOBFACTORY introduces short-sleeved shirts made of "Sashiko," a traditional Japanese fabric.

Two types of shirts are available: one is a plain shirt dyed with indigo dye, and the other is a Japanese pattern with a pattern drawn by stencil dyeing with indigo dye. The design adopts an open collar and is finished in a piece that matches summer.
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■A "Japanese" shirt that fits in well with the Japanese summer
FOBFACTORY introduces short-sleeved shirts made of "Sashiko," a traditional Japanese fabric.

Two types of shirts are available: one is a plain shirt dyed with indigo dye, and the other is a Japanese pattern with a pattern drawn by stencil dyeing with indigo dye. The design adopts an open collar and is finished in a piece that matches summer.
Fit Regular Fit