Athleisure Baseball T-shirt/7-minute sleeves

NT$ 2,930

Athleisure (a coined word of athlete + leisure) is a trend these days. This athleisure t-shirt is designed for the athlete who wants to wear minimalist sportswear in everyday life. The main features of this t-shirt are its great elasticity and its lightness. The T-shirt has been designed for the athlete who wants to be able to move with ease, making it ideal for spring and summer activities.
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Athleisure (a coined word of athlete + leisure) is a trend these days. This athleisure t-shirt is designed for the athlete who wants to wear minimalist sportswear in everyday life. The main features of this t-shirt are its great elasticity and its lightness. The T-shirt has been designed for the athlete who wants to be able to move with ease, making it ideal for spring and summer activities.