Painter trousers

NT$ 4,794

■Modernising the old and the new.

Overalls made in the 1950s were remade as trousers by workers of the time.

These painted trousers are based on those trousers that were distributed as vintage clothing.

Because they were originally overalls, the size and stitchwork are distinctive.

The details and other details used at the time have also been faithfully reproduced, making this a pair filled with meticulous attention to detail.
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■Modernising the old and the new.

Overalls made in the 1950s were remade as trousers by workers of the time.

These painted trousers are based on those trousers that were distributed as vintage clothing.

Because they were originally overalls, the size and stitchwork are distinctive.

The details and other details used at the time have also been faithfully reproduced, making this a pair filled with meticulous attention to detail.