F3378 Chambray Work Shirt

HK$ 738.50

Tight and clean silhouette, in keeping with the work shirts of the 40's, this adult work shirt has a clean and simple silhouette. FOB's original Selvic Chambray is woven on an old-style power loom at a tension as close to hand-weaving as possible, slowly and carefully, so you can feel the original texture of the cotton, the rustic look with unevenness, and the natural rough feeling. The selvic is used on the gusset of the shirt as a point of reference. Selvic is used in many places on vintage shirts because it does not unravel. Details & PartsThe collar is a little smaller so that it looks nicer when layered. The main stitching is double stitching. The buttons are the plate buttons that were common in the 40s and 50s. The double pockets without flaps are also a detail of that time.
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Tight and clean silhouette, in keeping with the work shirts of the 40's, this adult work shirt has a clean and simple silhouette. FOB's original Selvic Chambray is woven on an old-style power loom at a tension as close to hand-weaving as possible, slowly and carefully, so you can feel the original texture of the cotton, the rustic look with unevenness, and the natural rough feeling. The selvic is used on the gusset of the shirt as a point of reference. Selvic is used in many places on vintage shirts because it does not unravel. Details & PartsThe collar is a little smaller so that it looks nicer when layered. The main stitching is double stitching. The buttons are the plate buttons that were common in the 40s and 50s. The double pockets without flaps are also a detail of that time.