BR-8000 Vintage Football T-Shirt

NT$ 2,264

The fabric is woven by "COZUN", a brand that will never let go of your heart, and that every clothing lover dreams of in the good old USA of the 1950s. The COZUN series is a modern take on the atmosphere and details of that era. COZUN is an improved version of the "hanging knitting machine" that existed in the Taisho era. The COZUN fabric has a unique firmness and elasticity that can only be felt by the wearer. The fabric has a unique firmness and bounce that only the wearer can feel.
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The fabric is woven by "COZUN", a brand that will never let go of your heart, and that every clothing lover dreams of in the good old USA of the 1950s. The COZUN series is a modern take on the atmosphere and details of that era. COZUN is an improved version of the "hanging knitting machine" that existed in the Taisho era. The COZUN fabric has a unique firmness and elasticity that can only be felt by the wearer. The fabric has a unique firmness and bounce that only the wearer can feel.